Michael King Photography
" Grace "

" The Princess "

" Piney Cones "

" Swinging "

" Home With The  Flu "

" I'm Ready "

" Reading Time "

" The Performance "

" Hiding in Plain Sight "

" Not Amused "

" Hey "

" Make a Wish "

" Yeah Babie "

" Why Are You Behind Me "

" Big Leaf "

" Far Away "

" Little Tree "

" Favorite Spot "

" Nothing To Do "

" Oh My "

" Fancy-Free "

" A Tiny Flower "

" Making Pies "

" Look What I Found "

" The Toss "
Undeniably Five
This series follows the life of our daughter, Emily Grace or "Emmy" as she likes to be called. Beginning at the tender age of four, the photographs are random moments captured as she goes about her day.

With her strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles and magnetic personality she almost instantly captivates everyone she meets and continues to captivate us with each passing day!